
PyRayT requires Python 3.7 or 3.8. If you do not already have a Python interpreter configured on your computer, please see the instructions for installing the full scientific Python stack.

Below we assume you have the default Python environment already configured on your computer and you intend to install pyrayt inside of it. If you want to create and work with Python virtual environments, please follow instructions on venv and virtual environments.

First, make sure you have the latest version of pip (the Python package manager) installed. If you do not, refer to the Pip documentation and install pip first.

Installing the Released Version

Install the current release of pyrayt with pip:

py -m pip install pyrayt

To upgrade to a newer release use the --upgrade flag:

py -m pip install --upgrade pyrayt

If you do not have permission to install software systemwide, you can install into your user directory using the –user flag:

py -m pip install --user pyrayt

Verify the installation by opening a python prompt and importing the top-level modules:

import pyrayt
import tinygfx.g3d

If both commands run without error, PyRayT has been successfully installed.